On A Cloud Of Love

On A Cloud Of Love

I am a self-learned photographer. A recording artist. A songwriter. A woodworker. A husband. And a dad. I see the world through all of these different lenses depending on the day, hour and minute.

I am the slowest student I’ve ever had. I think I’ve tried every wrong there is until I am finally left with what’s left - the right thing that works.

This is true of my photography, music, designing, spousery and especially as a dad. But thankfully, after much trial and error, I have managed to get most of what I attempt, right. I have mastered none of them by my own standards, but have learned to live with my God-given talents and appreciate all that He has given me to share with you.

I hope you enjoy the photographs that I have spent while shivering, sweating, giggling, crying and any other emotion that you can imagine that comes with being patient to capture a precious moment that is given by our loving Creator.

Perhaps you’ll see an emotion that you’d like to hang in your home. Please, I’m happy to share them with you.

All images are owned by Steve Kolander and are not to be used or duplicated without express permission from its author.